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If you can help save the planet while achieving your financial objectives – why not?

Explore how the Sanlam Living Planet Fund, in partnership with WWF, delivers robust returns while reducing carbon emissions and driving impact.


In today’s investment landscape, where sustainability and financial performance are almost equally scrutinised, there’s a critical case to be made for principle-led investing.  When you invest with impact it helps protect the planet while you earn returns that support reaching not only your financial objectives but also your sustainability goals. The Sanlam Living Planet Fund, in partnership with WWF, shows this synergy in action; it continues to garner robust financial returns, while achieving 50% lower carbon emissions than the benchmark.

Cerin Maduray, Finance Sector Specialist at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), adds, “Our approach proves that responsible investing does not mean sacrificing profitability. In fact, integrating ESG principles can enhance both financial performance and social outcomes.

“Our Living Planet Fund has saved over 3 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions in the last 12 months, compared to the benchmark, with significantly reduced resource usage.”


The Sanlam Living Planet Fund’s key highlights

  • Environmental efficiency: The fund’s carbon emissions are 50% lower than those of the benchmark, and its resource usage is significantly reduced.
  • Environmental impact measurement and analysis: The fund tracks its carbon emissions as well as other data points around water, waste and pollution.
  • Social impact: The integration of ESG factors extends beyond environmental considerations to include social aspects, ensuring a holistic approach to sustainable investing.


Partnerships are pivotal

A cornerstone of Sanlam Investments Multi-Manager’s success with this fund is its strategic partnership with WWF. This collaboration combines financial expertise with environmental stewardship, significantly enhancing the fund’s ability to scale and maximise its impact. By working together, Sanlam and WWF ensure that investments are not only financially sound but also contribute positively to the environment and society.

“Partnerships are crucial in driving sustainable finance,” Maduray adds. “Sanlam Investments’ collaboration with WWF South Africa brings unparalleled environmental insight and credibility, enabling us to invest more effectively in companies that are leading in sustainability. This synergy allows us to amplify our impact, ensuring that our investment strategies are both responsible and highly effective.”

The fund’s approach goes beyond merely excluding companies with poor ESG practices; it actively seeks out and invests in businesses that demonstrate strong commitments to sustainability. This proactive strategy ensures that the fund not only mitigates risks but also capitalises on opportunities that arise from the global shift towards sustainable development.

Maduray adds, “We actively seek out other opportunities in the market such as renewable energy options and sustainable infrastructure funds. We see this as a critical part of building a better future for everyone. The fund is well diversified across different geographies, asset classes and fund managers, so it makes a strong investment and sustainability case, bringing all the tools together.”

In an era where ESG-themed assets are under pressure, the Sanlam Living Planet Fund demonstrates that impact investing can consistently deliver comparable returns to traditional investments. The firm’s approach proves that financial success and positive impact can go hand in hand.

Maduray concludes, “We’re entering a new era of ESG maturity where it makes sound financial sense to invest with your head – and your heart.”


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