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Sanlam Investments announces Small Cap Fund win at the 2023 Raging Bull Awards

| Market Forces

The SIM* Small Cap Fund was awarded the Best South African Equity Mid- and Small-Cap Fund at this year’s Raging Bull Awards on 28 February. Over the last three years, the fund, managed by Vanessa van Vuuren, has delivered solid returns.

Nersan Naidoo, CEO of Sanlam Investments says, “This win is a testament to the depth of experience and exceptional talent at Sanlam Investments. We apply a long-term pragmatic value investment style, and the success of this fund shows how our unwavering focus on this strategy shows up strongly in the performance of our funds. A big congratulations to the winning team.”

Van Vuuren joined Sanlam Investments 16 years ago in March 2007 and, together with her exceptional team has ensured a consistent and strong performance for the SIM Small Cap Fund, this is the third Raging Bull for Best South African Equity Mid- and Small-Cap Fund in SA, other wins were in 2015 and 2016.

“We are extremely proud of winning this award in the South African small and mid-cap space, which is a challenging area of the South African equity market to manage money in, and where we are up against formidable competitors. The award is testimony to the effort of our team and our relentless focus on our fundamental research process that we believe is central to the Sanlam active equity culture. This vital aspect of our process is especially relevant in an area of the market that generally remains relatively neglected and ‘under-researched’,” says Van Vuuren.

The SIM Small Cap Fund is an aggressive, actively managed small to mid-cap fund with holdings in Famous Brands, Sun International and HCI, among others.

Following the recent merger with Absa Investments, Sanlam Investments has become one of South Africa’s largest black owned asset managers with more than R900 billion in assets under management. Sanlam Investments’ funds consist of equities, fixed income, alternatives and property asset classes.


*SIM stands for Sanlam Investment Management

** Source: Morningstar, 31 December 2022,



Sanlam Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd is a registered Manager in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes in Securities. A schedule of fees can be obtained from the Manager. Charges of the most expensive fee class, maximum fund charges include (incl. VAT): Manager initial fee (max.): N/A; Manager annual fee (max.): 1.72%; Total Expense Ratio (TER): 1.78%. Full details are available from the Manager. *The full registered name of the fund is Sanlam Investment Management Small Cap Fund.

Sanlam Investments consists of the following authorised Financial Services Providers: Sanlam Investment Management (Pty) Ltd (“SIM”), Sanlam Multi Manager International (Pty) Ltd (“SMMI”), Satrix Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd, Graviton Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd (“GWM”), Graviton Financial Partners (Pty) Ltd (“GFP”), Satrix Investments (Pty) Ltd, Amplify Investment Partners (Pty) Ltd (“Amplify”), Sanlam Africa Real Estate Advisor Pty Ltd (“SAREA”), Simeka Wealth (Pty) Ltd and Sanlam Asset Management Ireland (“SAMI”); and has the following approved Management Companies under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act: Sanlam Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“SCI”) and Satrix Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“Satrix”).

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