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Critical Conversations
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Let's talk about investing
in climate action
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and how it protects her future,
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and how it protects his future
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and how it protects her future,
and his, and hers
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21 February 2022 | 10.00 SAST
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Climate threats are not gender-neutral.

Women are disproportionately more likely to be impacted by natural disasters.

Let’s talk Climate for Social’s Sake.

Talk isn’t always cheap! It is through platforms such as Critical Conversations that we are able to drive thinking, learning and bring together new or unknown perspectives. This virtual series kicks off this year with the Millen-Z Edition, where we amplify the voices, concerns and solutions from a range of young, savvy climate warriors. Climate change is on all our minds – so in this edition, we focus on the topic of Climate for Social’s Sake. It’s a shared opportunity to dissect and explore the impact climate action has on empowering our most vulnerable communities. For example, women and children, who are the most affected during climate shocks.

Can we sustain South Africa, despite the extreme climate conditions coming our way?

Are you aware of all the extreme climate events (and their outcomes) experienced in South Africa? These are just a few: extreme heat stress, extreme weather events, disease outbreaks, severe flooding, crop failure and water stress. Studies show that following climate disasters, it is generally harder for the poor and vulnerable to recover their economic positions. Like many other developing countries, South Africa is especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Join us as we explore the short- and long-term options to address these crises.

Innovative, courageous conversations start here

We’ve created Critical Conversations to tackle the dynamics of sustainability and impact investing. It highlights the need for educated and authentic conversations that explore the right ideas, with the right people, to continue to move the best solutions forward.

What’s your view?

Which of the following is true about climate issues in South Africa

Ready to talk?

Date: Monday 21 February 2022 | Time: 10.00 – 11.30 SAST

We are in the process of certifying the Climate for Social’s Sake edition for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points with the Financial Planning Institute (FPI). In line with the FPI CPD policy, CPD certificates may only be provided to participants who joined the CPD activity using their unique link and whose attendance for the full duration of the CPD activity can be verified by the attendance data.

Meet our panel.

Looking back.

In the previous editions of Critical Conversations we discussed:

The (South) African investment Opportunity

Climate choice or climate challenge?

The future of sustainability: Small steps and giant leaps.

The FPI has awarded 1.5 CPD points each for these editions. If you missed them live, you can watch the offline events using one of these links and complete a short quiz, to earn your points.

Sustainable Investing

Investing with confidence in a future we need